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Pulmonary Rehabilitation (Hull)

The Pulmonary Rehabilitation team is made up of nurses, physiotherapists and physiotherapy assistants who have a specialist knowledge of chronic lung conditions and pulmonary rehabilitation. The team works across Hull with GPs, practice nurses and other healthcare professionals in the development and the provision of pulmonary rehabilitation and chronic lung disease management.

The pulmonary rehabilitation programme includes:

  • Education and health behaviour change
  • Lifestyle risk factor management
  • Physical activity and exercise
  • Diet
  • Smoking cessation
  • Psycho-social health
  • Medical risk-factor management
  • Lung protective strategies
  • Long-term management plan
Referral Criteria
  • Patients aged 18 or over
  • Registered with a Hull GP
  • Have a diagnosis of COPD (Chronic bronchitis, Emphysema), pulmonary fibrosis, chronic asthma, lung cancer or lung transplant.

Patients must be referred by a GP or other health professional.

Your Feedback

If you have used the Hull Pulmonary Rehab service and would like to feeback on your experience click here.