Carers Assessment
What is a CISS carer's assessment?
Caring for someone who is ill, elderly, frail or disabled can present many challenges and this may have an impact on your own wellbeing. The carer's assessment is your chance to let us know what type of extra support you may need to help you in your caring role.
The assessment is not a test of how you perform as a carer and is not something you need to worry about. It's simply the start of a conversation to help you find out more about the support available to help you in your caring role.
Who is entitled to a carer's need assessment?
If you care for an adult who is elderly, frail, disabled or ill, you are entitled to an assessment to identify any support services that you need. This assessment is available regardless of the hours and type of support you give and is not means tested.
The person you care for does not need to have completed a care needs assessment for you to be eligible for support in your own right.
You can take the assessment even if the person you care for has been turned down for care and support.
What do I need to do?
The easiest way to get started is to complete the online form. This gives the Carer’s Information and Support Service (CISS) some background information about you.
Using the online form means you can take as long as you like completing it. It gives the time you need to really think about how caring for someone affects your wellbeing, or quality of life.
If you would prefer to speak to someone, you can contact the Carers Information and Support Service (CISS) Team on 01482 222 220 who can arrange for someone to visit you to help you go through this with you.
Complete the CISS Carers assessment here (Opens in a new window)
Alternatively, you can contact the Carers Information and Support Service via –
- email: (Opens in a new window)
- telephone: 01482 222 220
- text: CARERS to 61825
They can arrange to meet you in your home or community.
Their address is -
Carers’ Information and Support Service
The Calvert Centre
110A Calvert Lane
What will I be asked in the assessment?
The assessment asks questions about how your caring responsibilities affect your wellbeing in different areas of your life.
When preparing for a Carer's Needs Assessment it is important to consider the following:
- The effect of caring on your emotional wellbeing
- Whether your health is affected in any way by caring
- Whether you are able to get out and about
- Whether caring allows you any time for yourself
- Any effect of caring on your other relationships or responsibilities
- Whether you want or need information about benefits
- Whether you are worried you may have to give up work or education
- Whether the person you care for is getting enough help and the right kind of help
- What your goals and aspirations are outside of caring
- Any cultural, spiritual, lifestyle or other needs you may have.
What happens next?
After completing the online form, CISS will get in touch. They may ask you for further information, or to clarify your answers. This could be done over the telephone or face to face.
From the answers you give, will determine how CISS and the Adult Social Care can help you with your caring responsibilities.
If your caring responsibilities change at any time, you are able to repeat the assessment process.