What to expect
The Community Frailty team at the Jean Bishop Centre works with GP practices in Hull to identify patients who may benefit from a thorough review of their health and social care needs.
If your GP thinks you need an assessment, they will refer you to the Jean Bishop team. You may be invited to come to an assessment at the Jean Bishop Centre. We sometimes call this a 'health MOT' and you will spend the morning with the team so they can talk to you about what you need and what you'd like to happen and recommend any treatment or medication that they think will help you. You can bring a friend or family member with you and we'll make sure you get a delicious lunch from the cafe on site (plus lots of tea and coffee).
If you live in East Riding you might be offered a 'virtual assessment' at home, so the team can help you to stay well by checking your health, your medicines or any other social or personal needs. One of the team will visit you at home and do the assessment with a doctor and pharmacist online.
If you live in a care home the same team will come to you and we would encourage your family to be present if possible.