Speech and Language Therapy
Our Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) service provides assessments and support to adults (18 and over) who have a Hull or East Riding GP who have new communication or swallowing problems.
We support people with a range of health conditions that can affect speech or swallowing. This includes stroke, Parkinson's disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Motor-Neuron disease, dementia and head and neck cancers.
We also work with people who have longer term voice and fluency problems, such as stammering.
How to refer:
- If you have difficulties with voice production and have an East Riding GP you will need to be referred for an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) assessment by your GP. Once complete, the ENT doctor or your GP can refer you to the East Riding SLT Service.
- If you have swallowing difficulties ask your GP or other health care professional to refer you to the SLT Service.
- If you have communication difficulties you can self-refer on the number for the SLT service in the contact information.
- For information on care home residents please go to the Care Homes section.
Please note: Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals Trust's SLT Team, based at Hull Royal Infirmary provide support with:
- Difficulties with voice production (patients with a Hull GP only)
- Speech and swallowing difficulties related to head and/or neck cancer