Wellbeing Primary Care Liaison Service
- Supporting GP practices across Hull in increasing the uptake of Learning Disability and Serious Mental Illness annual health checks.
- Reducing barriers that patient’s face when accessing health care appointments, supporting with identifying and implementing reasonable adjustments.
- Delivering training across Hull PCNs and within CHCP services which includes: Learning Disability awareness, Learning Disability health checks, Serious Mental Illness awareness and Serious Mental Illness health checks and reasonable adjustments.
- Creating resources for patients, parents and carers and health professionals to use to support with communication and reasonable adjustments.
- Creating and delivering roadshows and health promotion sessions to provide education on key priorities eg. Heart health, healthy relationships, cancer screening, bowel health and mental health.
- We are a fast follower of the NHSE Reasonable Adjustment Digital Flag project.
- Our Accessible Information Standard (AIS) team undertake CHCP service and environmental audits to determine how compliant our services are in relation to the Accessible Information Standard and meeting patients reasonable adjustment needs.
- This is just a snapshot of what this service does, no one day is the same as our key focus is on addressing and tackling health inequalities within Hull.