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Foundation funding keeps Fitmums' Buggy Boot Camp going

04 June, 2024

A grant of £2,500 to Fitmums and Friends has meant that their popular Buggy Boot Camps can continue to offer fun, inclusive exercise classes in Beverley.

The Buggy Boot Camps are for anyone, particularly parents wanting to get back into exercise after having a baby or with toddlers to wrangle. It doesn't matter how fit you are, there's something to suit everyone and the trained coaches make sure you're challenging yourself while staying within your limits. 

Fitmums prides itself on being inclusive and the classes prove this, with young mums with prams running alongside people in their later years. Pauline is 77 and came along to her first class a couple of weeks ago. "I broke my arm last summer and couldn't cycle or do anything," she says. "My fitness level went right down but I'm really enjoying these sessions. They're so supportive and friendly and my fitness is improving, plus I enjoy talking to everyone!"

To find out more, go to the Fitmums website: Buggy : Fitmums & Friends