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Getting even better: patient survey results improve again

05 January, 2015


Results from City Health Care Partnership CIC’s sixth annual patient survey show that patients feel their care is continuing to improve. 1,186 people who had used services provided by CHCP CIC across Hull, the East Riding and North and North East Lincolnshire took part. They gave their opinions on over 40 services ranging from district nursing to health visiting and lymphoedema to dentistry.

“The annual patient survey is vital for us because, combined with all our other engagement work, it helps to show us where we’re providing the kind of services that people want and need and where we can make improvements to provide the best possible care,” said Denise Anderton, social business and public relations director at CHCP CIC.

  • 96% said the service matched or exceeded their expectations, up from 94% in 2011
  • 92% said they would recommend CHCP CIC services, up from 79% in 2011
  • 92% said they had trust and confidence in the main person they saw at their appointment, up from 83% in 2011
  • 95% rated their overall experience as excellent, up from 84% in 2012
  • 95% said that they received the care that mattered to them all or most of the time, up 8% since 2012.

Chief executive Andrew Burnell said, “It’s difficult to improve on results like these, but every year our patients are telling us that the commitment and dedication of our colleagues is helping to make the care and support we’re offering even better.

“But surveys like this also help by showing us where our patients aren’t as happy with our services as we would like them to be, so we can look at how we can improve in those areas.”

To read the full report, go to