WHY WEIGHT? to lose weight ………….. join us now!
01 February, 2011
Do you want help to keep that New Years Resolution to get in shape?
Why Weight? Can help with their free weight loss programme
The free 12 week programme has been expertly designed by the Why Weight? team at City Health Care Partnership. Sessions run for 1.5 hours a week supporting people to make the right decisions in day-to-day life which can ultimately lead to losing weight and feeling full of energy.
Why Weight? will be starting their February 2011 sessions at local venues in Hull, to be held at Derringham Bank Methodist Church, Balfour Community Centre, the Unitarian Church on Park Street, the Artlink building on Princes Avenue, and Marfleet Primary Healthcare Centre. For details of times and dates contact the Why Weight Team on 01482 344046 or visit www.chcphull.nhs.uk/pages/why-weight
Jackie Elvidge, Service Manager for Why Weight? explained, “The programme is designed to help people make small changes to their lifestyles which will help them to lose weight, including becoming more active, helping with their cooking skills and boosting their confidence. The service is free and we offer fun and friendly advice that people can relate too.”
A variety of topics will be discussed throughout the course and each week will focus on one area including, looking in detail at portion sizes, what to have when you are eating out, understanding food labels, how to achieve 5 A DAY into your daily diet and even discovering what fruit and vegetables are in season. The team will demonstrate ‘cooking from scratch’ on some occasions and tasting samples are offered. Additionally, clients are encouraged to increase their physical activity throughout the programme to benefit from the improvements to health this can bring.