Enable Recite

Information Leaflet

The Carers Information & Support Service (CISS) have worked in partnership to develop leaflets to help you in your capacity as a carer.  The leaflets aim to increase your awareness, give you additional information about different health conditions and give you support to contact the appropriate health professional when needed.LEAFLETS

Often as an unpaid carer you may be the person who recognises changes in a loved one’s condition/wellbeing, because you have the knowledge of what is normal for them.

Individual Leaflet Information.

  • Skin Care – prevention of pressure sores and when to seek further advice and support.
  • Mouth Care – maintaining good oral hygiene, monitoring changes in individual’s mouths and when to seek further advice and support.
  • Swallowing – supporting someone who may have difficulties swallowing or eating and when to seek further advice and support.
  • Nutrition – supporting someone to have a good diet and when to seek further advice and support.
  • Calling for assistance – a leaflet to help you ask for assistance or advice.
  • Continence – information on supporting an individual who is incontinence and when to seek further advice and support.
  • Dehydration – support to help someone drink the right amount of fluid to remain hydrated and when to seek further advice and support.
  • Bowels – information on bowel habits, changes and when to seek additional advice.
  • Living with a catheter – information on supporting an individual living with a catheter and when to seek further advice and support.

CISS recognise that each caring role is individual, and the support and care provided can be very varied and differ from one carer to the next.  We have developed leaflets covering different areas of care/health conditions to allow each carer to have leaflets bespoke to their needs to build up their own reference guide pack.